Advanced Technology
Aspen Dental is honored to be awarded 5280 Magazine' Top Dentist Award from 2016-2024!
Among the newest technologies is a small laser instrument called the DIAGNOdent®, which scans your teeth with harmless laser light, searching for hidden decay.
Locating hidden decay before it destroys tooth structure (from inside out) is a major goal for us. The widespread use of fluoride supplements in dental materials, toothpastes and drinking water has made tooth surfaces harder and more resistant to decay. However, diagnosing cavities beneath the hard surfaces is more challenging because the disease process can start through microscopic defects in the hard surface enamel and can readily spread into the softer tooth structure beneath the surface.
This unique instrument provides instant feedback on the health of the tooth. A pen like probe simply glides over tooth surfaces constantly checking the health of the tooth. A number scale and an alarm, signals the operator when there are signs of hidden decay. This new technology is completely safe and pain free.
Digital Imaging
Dr. Rossow, Dr. Neal, and Dr. Noce choose carefully which and when radiographs are taken. There are many guidelines that we follow. Radiographs allow us to see everything we cannot see with our own eyes. Radiographs enable us to detect cavities in between your teeth, determine bone level, and health of bone. We can also examine the roots and nerves of teeth, diagnose lesions such as cysts or tumors, as well as assess damage when trauma occurs.
Dental radiographs are invaluable aids in diagnosing, treating, and maintaining dental health. Exposure time for dental radiographs is extremely minimal. Aspen Dental utilizes Digital Imaging Technologies within the office. With digital imaging, exposure time is about 90 percent less when compared to traditional radiographs. Digital imaging can also help us retrieve valuable diagnostic information. We may be able to see cavities better.
The advantages of digital imaging enables us to not only store patient images, but also enables us to quickly transfer them to appropriate specialists or insurance companies.
Fotona Lightwalker
From conservative dentistry, endodontics and implantology to periodontics and soft-tissue surgery, LightWalker lasers offer the most comprehensive list of clinical applications of any dental laser made today.
Typical treatment procedures with LightWalker are faster, easier, less painful and have shorter healing times compared to conventional treatments.

Intraoral Camera
Many patients, especially younger patients, are very familiar with the latest technology and are more comfortable with the high tech practice. Computers and TV screens are their primary method of information processing.
Dr. Rossow, Dr. Neal, and Dr. Noce will utilize the intraoral camera technology that helps enhance your understanding of your diagnosis. An intraoral camera is a very small camera. In some cases, an intraoral camera is just a few millimeters long. An intraoral camera allows our practice to view clear, precise images of your mouth, teeth and gums, in order for us to accurately make a diagnosis. With clear, defined, enlarged images, you see details that may be missed by standard mirror examinations. This can mean faster diagnosis with less chair-time for you!
Intraoral cameras also enable our practice to save your images in our office computer to provide a permanent record of treatments. These treatments can be printed as for you, other specialists, and your lab or insurance companies.
Planmeca Promax 3D
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) has quickly become the standard of care for complicated extractions, implant treatment planning, and diagnosis and for the fabrication of surgical guides used to surgically place implants. In the future, CBCT may become the standard of care for orthodontic assessment, Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) analysis, endodontic treatment and periodontal assessments.
With Planmeca PROMAX® 3D, dentists can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment while reducing the radiation exposure for patients and healthcare workers.
ONLY Planmeca’s clinically verified(1) Ultra Low Dose (ULD) protocol can allow for routine CBCT imaging for every patient, reducing radiation dose by 77% without a statistical reduction in image quality. With Planmeca’s technology, you can have 3D diagnostic images with less radiation than a typical Periapical X-ray. This opens a new realm of opportunities.
Our goal is to minimize exposure to radiation for patients, especially for children.
- Anatomy can be viewed more precisely without magnification in a 1:1 image ratio
- Accurate identification and display of anatomy, such as the inferior alveolar nerve, can be reviewed prior to invasive surgical procedures, such as implants
- The pathological assessment of disease can be viewed more accurately
- The manufacturing of surgical guides is more accurate due to no magnification
- Compared to medical CT scans, dental CBCT is a method of acquiring the most information using a much lower dose of radiation
Zoom Whitening
If you prefer teeth that are immediately whiter right now or you would rather whiten your teeth over a few nights while you sleep, Aspen Dental has your answer with Zoom! The Zoom! In-Office Whitening System uses proprietary technology to whiten your teeth an average of eight shades* in a little over an hour while you relax at our office. It’s ideal for anyone who wants immediate results. The Zoom! Take-Home Whitening System uses a revolutionary patent-pending gel to whiten your teeth an average of six shades in three nights. * And you may go even lighter with additional applications. Start on Friday and by Monday you’ll have a whole new smile.
Don’t waste your time with whitening strips or paint-on gels. Get your teeth whiter in a fraction of the time with Zoom!
Is tooth whitening becoming more popular?
Is there any difference between over-the-counter tooth whiteners and Zoom!
How does the Zoom! In-Office System work?
The Zoom! light-activated whitening gel’s active ingredient is Hydrogen Peroxide. As Hydrogen Peroxide is broken down, oxygen enters the enamel and dentin, bleaching any colored substance while keeping the structure of the tooth unchanged. The Zoom! light aids in activating the Hydrogen Peroxide and helps it penetrate the surface of the tooth.